App of the number Anti Violence and Anti Stalking, service sponsored by the Department for Equal Opportunities - Presidency of the Council. With this application you can connect with specialized operators for an immediate request for help.The 1522 was launched in 2006 by the Department for Equal Opportunities with the aim to develop a comprehensive action system for the emergence and contrast the phenomenon of intra and extra family violence against women. In 2009, with the entry into force of L.38 / 2009 modified in 2013 in terms of persecution, it began supporting action even against stalking victims.The number of public utilities in 1522 is active 24 hours on 24, every day of the year and is available free of charge from the entire national territory, both fixed and mobile network. The reception is available in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The telephone operators dedicated to the service provide a first response to the needs of victims of gender violence and stalking, providing useful information and an orientation towards the social and public and private health services in the national territory and included in the official mapping of the Prime Minister - Equal Opportunities Department. The 1522, through the support to the victims, said the emergence of the aid application, with absolute guarantee of anonymity. The cases of violence that are of emergency nature are greeted with a specific technical and operational procedure shared with the Police.